The monastery offers rooms pilgrims. There is a monastic internal rule requirement that those who want to spend a night in the monastery has to contact the Monastery Abbot Archimandrite Yerotei.
The monastery brotherhood are very hostpital. The Abbot does speak English, Russian and (some German) and is always joyful when a the monastery has guests.
The monastery offers some rooms for pilgrimage tourist renting, who would like to be blessed with a night stay in the monastery.
The monastery also has some rooms especially prepared for devoted Orthodox Christian pilgrims as well as free food, the condition however is obedience to the monastery order and a hard work (completion of work assigned by the Abbot to the monks and pilgrims).
To contact Pomorie Monastery to request a night stay in the monastery:
Monastery Pomorie Contact telelphone: 00 359 59 632 017